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Buffet Inspires G2’s Direct Investments

By Stephen Foley, Financial Times June 16, 2014 It was doing the maths on Warren Buffett that made Todd Morley believe traditional private equity funds and hedge funds might be in trouble. Mr Morley, the well-connected co-founder of investment group…

The Human Condition and the Kodak Problem….who’s next? How about climate change?

Have you noticed that certain people and certain companies seem to always be just a step ahead of rest? There are countless enterprises (which are easier to critique than mere mortals) which had enjoyed, such a lead, such a commanding…

The Theory of Perpetual Alpha

J. Todd Morley, the founder and chairman of G2 Investment Group, recently co-founded Y2x, which aligns and integrates information technologies with assets of human need. He presents a new theory of finance and investing that is predicated on the predictable,…

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